I put my babies in their beds every night, look at them and think : God must have loved me very much !
My babies are perfect, healthy and full of love. I can see that in their eyes, I can feel it when they hold my finger when I am feeding them....
Today I took the boys for a little shopping. It was raining and I was playing one of my favorite songs in the car and my boys were trying to sing .... My heart was full of happiness at that moment and then I felt sad because I thought I couldn't share that happiness with my family. I miss my mother and sister the most. That's why I call them often and let them hear my babies voice which they do love. Sometimes I do feel sorry for my babies, because they are missing all the kindness and care that my mother and sister have for them. Thankfully my family in law is close to us, but still ....
Oh, I should stop complaining. I should remember what Michael and I have : two healthy and beautiful babies which are surrounded with all the love that we have for them. Not only us, our families and friends too, even if they don't see our babies but still I am sure the love is helping my babies to grow up strong and happy.