Saturday, December 22, 2007

Yalda Night 1386, December 2007

After bring in Holiday Party of Michael's office, it took long to come back home because of all the traffic which was caused by Christmas shoppers and snow. So we couldn't be home early enough to cook for Yalda Night. Michael had suggested to defrost some Iranian stew for dinner and it was the only thing that I could do having such a short time to get ready.

We had bought watermelon and pomegranate and I made some popcorn ( Thanks to my sister Behjat Jan for suggesting that). So everything came out pretty well and we could celebrate Yalda Night as a family together

Monday, December 17, 2007

Entry for December 17, 2007

Today I was taking a nap! ( Yes, I know ! Not often I get that ! ) Then I heard Relic winning around me. I decided to pretend being asleep. And it made Relic wanting to leave me. Then it was quiet and you know how it can not be good sometimes So I went to see what was going on and found Relic in his brother's bed lying down close to him

It almost made me cry ( in a good way ).... My heart feels warm, thinking about the day that IIam not with them but they will have each other

Tonight when I was kissing my sons good night, I was thinking how I will miss these kisses when I die ... Oh no, I don't want to die soon. I want to live for long, watching my boys growing up