Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Entry for November 29, 2006

Yesterday my babies' first passports were here by mail. I was really excited to see them. We just need to apply for visa for them now. Yes, my babies are half Iranian but according to my country's rules, because the mother is Iranian and not the father, they are not known as Iranian citizens and must apply for visa to their mother's country. It is really unfair, but what else can we do ?

The closer that it gets to the day of our trip, it gets more difficult for me imagining Michael alone at home and my babies missing their loving father. When ever three of them laughing and playing with each other I ask myself if it is right to take the boys for over 7 weeks.  For sure we will call Michael often but still ....

To be honest, I am not missing my family and friends in Iran much, however it has been almost two years that I haven't seen them. Of course we have been in touch by phone call and email all the time, but it is more because I have been really busy taking care of my babies and my babies are whole my world. But I feel tired sometimes, so it would be good to have some times to rest which I hope to find in Iran. And also my family is crazy about my babies and they do need to spend time with them. I know my babies will enjoy being with them too and thankfully Michael understands all this and that's why he is letting us go ....Image

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you and your babies have a wonderful time in Iran. It is always wonderful to spend time with your relatives. Enjoy the 7 weeks and when you get back you will just realize how much more you love and Miss your Michael... Time away is not always a bad thing it is sometimes a reminder of the wonderful things that you have . So send my love to all your family and have a wonderful time.
