Monday, January 15, 2007

Entry for January 15, 2007

Today was a rainy day and I had to go out to have some stuff done before our trip. Michael had an important meeting and couldn't stay home to take care of the boys, so I took the boys with me.

First I went to get my international driving license and after that I had my doctor appointment. The last time that i was there was just a week before my babies were born, so it was really exciting to be with my boys this time.

Relic and River were really tired and couldn't sleep in the car, as I had to take them out and put in the stroller when it was pouring rain. Poor my babies were not feeling good at the doctor's office especially when the doctor turned the lights off and I was almost hidden on the back of some of the equipments. But the doctor was really nice and tried to help my babies to calm down. The doctor believes that my eyes are doing really well even after more than 11 years of having diabetes

We came back home wet and tired but I am happy that things are being done before our trip

1 comment:

  1. I am very happy to hear about your eyes...... that is fantastic... have a safe and wonderful trip, take lots of pictures and i send my love.........
