Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Entry for January 14, 2009

I know, I haven't been writing ....

From the last time that I wrote on my blog a lot of little things have happened that I am not sure if I remember them all. But the important thing is that I turned 38! I really believe that age is just a number but for sure 38 is not my favorite one ;)

Relic and River have been busy ( as they mention it themselves, sometimes ) jumping and running, playing computer games mostly from and They love to sound out words and are really good at that. River always looks for shortcuts and sometimes it makes things more complicated that they are. But he can use the mouse very well and because of that, he is mostly in charge of choosing games. Relic enjoys learning and tries to listen. They both are very different in a lot of ways but there are a lot of good things about them which are the same.

Ghazal ( my very favorite niece ) is moving to Sweden to join her new husband tomorrow. I know things are not going to be easy for them but I know they both are very hard working people and will try their best to make the life that they had dreamed of. The most important thing is that they love each other and it will make things easy for them in a lot of ways.

I have not been attending to the mothers of multiples meetings for a few months ( I did go to the mothers' holiday party dinner and had a lot of fun ). I am planning to go for tonight, but we will see ....

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