Tuesday, January 17, 2006

These days, January 18, 2006

My husband, our boys and I are trying hard to deal with all the problems. It was very difficult for us to believe that we will not have my mother and sister here, when the boys are going to be born. Of course our families and friends gave us their support and maybe it was the reason that we are all feeling better now.

Yesterday, I went to see my doctors. I can't believe that they are not angels, because they care so much for every feeling of ours and try to do the best. I had another ultrasound and I saw the boys moving their little chubby legs around, kicking me and fighting the pressure that the technician had on my belly. They are bigger than normal size, but my doctor believes it should not be because of my diabetes, because it has been controlled very well. But anyway, having big twin babies is not what can be good for a not tall mother like me. It is what's giving me all the muscle cramp and it is going to be worse and worse during the rest of my pregnancy. But to be honest, I feel proud that our babies are big and strong.

I haven't stoped knitting for our twins and it is what I enjoy the most to do. I can't count how many sweaters and pants I have knitted for them, but here are the newest ones. We are going to put them on the boys for their first Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. You sure can knit! Those sweaters are beautiful.
