Sunday, February 19, 2006

The boys' amazing reactions, February 19, 2006

I was telling to my husband: I think even myself will not believe what I have seen about our boys during my pregnancy, after they are born. I might think it was just an imagination of a very sensitive pregnant woman. Or I might think they have been daydreams. It is why I have never wanted to write these things down. But Michael is right : nothing should stop me from writing what I am feeling now !

River has always loved music, he would react more for happy songs. But Relic loved voices and not care for music much. He was the one who reacted first for his father's voice, when he was reading for him. He always loves deep voices. But now River has been interested in different music ( not just happy songs ) and Relic has been loving music too. They both get excited to listen to Mel Torme. It is fine with me, because I love Mel Torme's voice, too. But it is funny when they get excited about a song that I don't care for, or even hate. I almost get mad at them when they move like dancing with a music that I don't like at all. If I am saying DANCING, it is really true. I know it is one of the things that I will not believe myself after the boys are born, but Michael has seen and felt that. He will be my witness and it is what he is doing now, to not let me feel crazy !

The boys always love to hear their father. They get also very excited when Michael touches my belly to caress them. Sometimes it makes me begging Michael to stop, when I am exhausted of the boys' moving all the day. And sometimes he whispers to talk with me to not let the boys hear him and make their poor mother more tired of their kicks! ( Oh!  their kicks have been really strong recently) 

An hour ago, Michael was giving Relic a test, to see how smart he is. Michael tapped gently the left side of my belly with his finger where Relic's hands and arms are. And Relic replied back very fast. Then Michael tapped the right side of my belly where Relic's feet and legs are and Relic replied back fast again. Michael did that 2-3 times and Relic never failed to reply back. Then Michael tapped the two sides at the same time. Poor Relic was confused, he did not know what to do, but he did not do something stupid and it was really thoughtful : he just stopped moving!  Maybe thinking : what should I do now ?Image

I don't expect my boys to be very smart. But I am sure they both have a very good sense.  I have seen their amazing reactions to my feelings or to what they hear many many times, everyday. If it was only once or even a few times, it could be just by chance. But Michael knows and believes how amazing our boys' reactions are, as much as I do. And it is enough for me, to not feel crazy Image. Or maybe we are both crazy  for our babies Image.


1 comment:

  1. I believe that your boys reactions are true, and they sound like they are beautiful,smart, and wonderful just like their parents.
