Saturday, May 12, 2007

Oh, My God ! May 12, 2007

Oh, God ! Help me to take care of my children !

River and Relic have started moving the chairs around to climb on them and go WHERE EVER they wished to go !

River has been standing up in his high chair. In last week, he was standing up on the table , using the chair to climb on. Yesterday he moved from his high chair to his brother's and God knows how impossible it seems. Today, they both had climbed on my computer desk. In the evening River had moved a chair to climb on and go to sit on the tray of his high chair and still was trying to move to his brother's when I caught him.

It is being more and more difficult to take care of them, each day. I just hope that God helps me to be able to take care of my babies well.

1 comment:

  1. You will do all right, Bita. You will teach the boys that chairs are not for climbing. Also it is worth remembering that boys are born with some squirrel genes in them, so they will climb. One of my earliest memories is of sitting on the table eating the butter (we had real butter in those days, and it was good!)

