Sunday, May 20, 2007

What River and Relic say and do at 13 months

Farsi words :

nam-nam which means food and the word has been created by Relic from the sound that I make when I want to feed them and make them chew the food and enjoy it

bargh ("bah") which means light or electricity

maman ("ma-ma") which means mom

dadash ("da-da") which means brother

baba ("bah-bah") which means dad

man ("ma") which means me or I

shir ("she") which means milk

bedeh (sometimes "ed-deh") which means give it

jiz ("-izz") which is a baby word for hot, sharp or danger

jizeh ("-izzeh") which means it is hot, or sharp or dangerous

akh which means yucky

akheh which means it is yucky

nah ("NAH!") which means no

dast ("dath") which means hand

paw which means foot

English words :

hug ("ga-ga-ga"),

dada (daddy, "da-da")

that ("thaa" )

there ("the" )

bye-bye ("ba-baa" )


duck ("bwauk")

car ("bbbbbrrmm")

airplane ("bbfffffff")

The above are the words that they use often or when needed. There are other words that they have used only a couple of times here or there (like jurab ("sock")). They are very good mimics, but that is not the same as using a word for a purpose.

They also can clap when we ask them in Farsi to do and also they do that when ever they get excited or after listening to every song that they like, wave to say good bye, give hi 5 , having the arms up and look up when we ask them to thank God ( of course in Farsi ), they make the kitten faces, they move the heads left and right when we ask them to do in Farsi, they both like dancing and enjoy it a lot.

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