Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Little Artists, October 17, 2007

Today River and Relic had their art class trial and did really well. Of course they had their crazy moments, running around the class ( River even ran away 2-3 times and I had to run out to get him ), and moving the little chairs around the class, but they did sit quiet awhile to do their projects ! I am not going to lie to tell that did they did all the work. I helped them a lot, but they did try to work with play dough, glue and paintbrush for the first time and did really well.

So, something new to add to their busy schedule : Art class every Wednesday morning


  1. So, would they like to submit their art to The Great Virtual Art Exhibit?

  2. Well, I re-read this one and now I am laughing at the picture of River running away. And moving the chairs all over the room, I can just imagine it.

  3. awwe it is soo sweet tell them to keep up the good work
