Sunday, April 26, 2009

Entry for April 26, 2009

After some very busy days, here I am again !

We had the boys' 3rd birthday party in a beautiful park in Danvers MA. A lot of friends came and we all enjoyed the very beautiful and sunny day together. The boys had a lot of fun playing outside with their friends, opening their presents. River had picked Dora cake and Relic had picked Thomas cake. They both were very happy with their cakes, however neither of them ate much. It was a little windy for lighting the candles but we still sang happy birthday song for them.

I can't believe that my sons are 3 now ! But I do believe that in just a blink of eyes they will be really big boys and will move out ! But until then, let me enjoy of watching them grow up ....

I had a very hard time last week, being prepared for the boys party when four of us were sick. But in every single minute I was thankful for what I have . I do feel overwhelmed sometimes, but I always feel happy. I do have two very happy and smart sons.They are only three but they appreciate every little love they get. They are only three but they can read ! I can't be enough thankful for what I have

Monday, April 13, 2009

Entry for April 13, 2009

I just have signed up for facebook. It seems like an interesting website. But it has a big problem at least for me .... It is good that I can know about my family and friends and how they are doing every day but it doesn't give me some time to be with myself and think. I love writing but I don't like sharing my private moments of life with everybody. facebook seems like living with all of friends under a roof ! I don't feel very comfortable to be in my pajamas in front of everybody And as busy as I am I rarely get time to dress up ....

Anyway, we have been planning the boys' birthday party for a while and the boys are getting involved with the planing more and more. They have told us what they want for presents and also what kind of cake each one of them wants ! Yes, I think this year we will have to have one cake for each one of them !

We all had a beautiful Easter. The boys enjoyed egg hunting but expected the Easter bunny to be more generous

They are going to bed every night by themselves and don't need me to stay in their room with them.

We are looking into finding a preschool for them and planing to let them go for 3 days a week for 3 hours a day. I am sure the separation will be more tough on me than them!